Hostigger offers web hosting, reseller, virtualization and server solutions since its establishment. Aiming at 100 %customer satisfaction, hostigger continues to serve its customers uninterruptedly. As of the first quarter of 2018, Hostigger has offered thousands of virtualization solutions and hundreds of server solutions.
This time Hostigger offering a VPS discount starts at $2.99 for a 2GB in Istanbul. It's a good hosting choice if you’re in the Eastern Mediterranean or want a presence there.
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Starting PING to: 0.00s
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GeorgeDatacenter just launched their 2020 Black Friday Sales Offer - Get 50% off on their AMD Ryzen NVMe VPS.
About GeorgeDatacenter
GeorgeDatacenter arises from a personal project, after years of working as a server administrator in a company, I thought about starting this project in 2016, after years and encouraged by the dismissal in 2017 of our work, we began to design and search and perform all the tests necessary to provide a quality service, so this year we began to provide VPS services, mail and colocation.
Overall GeorgeDatacenter Review
Hosting Service: Cheap SSD Vps, Ryzen Vps, Colocation
Datacenter Location:…
Get the latest Hostigger coupon code / discount promo code before buying, read the Hostigger review benchmark data for their VPS hosting!
About Hostigger
Hostigger, offers web hosting, reseller, virtualization and server solutions since its establishment. Aiming at 100 %customer satisfaction, hostigger continues to serve its customers uninterruptedly. As of the first quarter of 2018, Hostigger has offered thousands of virtualization solutions and hundreds of server solutions.
Our services services to run business critical, or high performance, top-level security, and capacity designed for demanding customers who require Wide Area Network. Hostigger customer portfolio for financial institutions, Telecom and technology organizations…
Wanna try some cheap VMWare VPS? NGClouds has an offer for their different packages located in three locations overall, Amsterdam, Istanbul and Kansas City.
NGClouds is founded in Delaware, United States to provide cloud server to its clients with its locations in almost all countries worldwide. We guarantee that you’ll experience the fastest Cloud Server with the last technology Intel Xeon Processors and SSD Disks.
The NGClouds VMWare ESXI VPS offers:
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Datacenter Name – Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Test IPv4:
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Looking Glass:
Datacenter Name – Istanbul (Turkey)
Test IPv4:
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