Cheap VPS Hosting Promos
VPS Coupon Codes, Reviews, Tutorials
3 Articles

Tags :HostWorld UK

HostWorld UK Special Offers with Promo Codes: VPS from £2.39/month-Waikey

HostWorld UK Special Offers with Promo Codes: VPS from £2.39/month

There is a new special offers from HostWorld UK, these offers include unmetered bandwidth, DDOS protection (for their UK datacenter only), and free backup storage (up to 300GB, depending on the package you select). VPS 0.5 Special 1GB Special 2GB Special 3GB 512MB RAM 512MB Swap 1x vCPU 15GB NVMe Storage FREE 45GB Backup Storage Choice of UK or USA DDoS protection as standard (UK only) Unmetered Bandwidth 1 Gbps uplink 1x IPv4 IPv6 Support KVM/Virtualizor 1 GB RAM 1 GB Swap 1x vCPU 20GB Storage FREE 60GB Backup Storage Choice of UK or USA DDoS protection as standard (UK…

VPS Offers Views(2401)
Hostworld UK Promo Code & Review - £3.69/mo 1GB KVM VPS-Waikey

Hostworld UK Promo Code & Review - £3.69/mo 1GB KVM VPS

Get the Hostworld UK Promo Code & Review for their new new AMD based EPYC servers with fast NVMe storage located in UK. This offer provides two service locations to choose from in Chicago (Intel E5/NVMe) and Maidenhead, UK (EPYC/NVMe). Hostworld UK is a registed hosting company specialise in UK hosting from primary UK data centre, they also have a presence in Chicago, US. They have their own servers are co-located to our private rack space in Maidenhead, UK and Chicago, US. Quarterly Coupon: £9.87 GBP Price Override Recurring Discountfor the VPS packge 1 and package 2 below Annual Coupon:…

Coupon Codes Views(2604)
HostWorld UK  Reseller Hosting Counpon Code - Cheap 1GB KVM VPS in Chicago or UK for £3.69/month-Waikey

HostWorld UK Reseller Hosting Counpon Code - Cheap 1GB KVM VPS in Chicago or UK for £3.69/month

Hostworld Limited is a company registered in England and Wales, company number 12330877. Hostworld provide you with the most cost effective, reliable service in the industry offering an outstanding 99.9% uptime guarantee. Hostworld specialise in UK hosting from primary UK data centre, and also have a datacenters in Chicago, US. Both of our data centres have multiple Tier 1 transit providers, dual power supplies, best of breed Cisco technology and support for fibre and copper gigabit connections. HostWorld UK is offering is a combination of KVM VPS plans and reseller hosting with cheap price. And what makes it different is…

Coupon Codes Views(1840)