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Tags :CN2 GIA

HostDare Promo Code & Review - 🎉Black Friday 2024🎉 on CN2 GIA Asia Optimized KVM VPS-Waikey

HostDare Promo Code & Review - 🎉Black Friday 2024🎉 on CN2 GIA Asia Optimized KVM VPS

Get the latest HostDare Promo Code / discount coupon codes for their CN2 GIA Asian / China optimized KVM VPS! And read the HostDare review with benchmark data! HostDare cloud servers provide instant scalability on enterprise-class servers that are powered by the latest Intel hardware. Full access to our Server Control Panel where you can reinstall your operating system, restart your server, and much more! Each SSD kvm VPS includes advanced features for instant upgrades, DDOS protection, optimized network and 24/7 Support. Limited to only 15 cloud servers per node, you are guaranteed maximum performance and dedicated resources. Overall HostDare…

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CN GIA高端线路 - Dmit VPS评测及最新优惠码(2023版)-Waikey

CN GIA高端线路 - Dmit VPS评测及最新优惠码(2023版)

DMIT是一家在美国注册的hosting公司 (注册代码:5246271),并与2018年初开始运营VPS相关业务。目前DMIT主营中国香港、日本东京、美国洛杉矶及圣何塞地区的独立服务器和 KVM VPS服务。继收购HKServerSolution的部分国际业务后,DMIT成为美西CN2线路的超级大鳄,公司拥有大量服务器和充足的CN2带宽,同时也是搬瓦工cn2 gia线路的上游服务商。 DMIT 服务简介 空间服务: KVM VPS,独立服务器。 数据中心: 洛杉矶,圣何塞,香港,东京。 支付方式: 支付宝、微信、Pay­Pal。 客户服务: 提供中文客服服务。 退款服务: 三天内可退款,不包含安装费及特殊定制费用。被DDOS或者流量使用超过10GB不退款。 IP更换服务: 香港东京15天内可更换,然后每30天可支付$5进行更换。洛杉矶7天,一些细节可查看官网条款。 TOS: 常规TOS,不可提供违法,包含暴力,版权,儿童涩情等内容。VPN服务也是禁止的,但是很多人还在使用,购买需注意。 官网地址: 优惠码有失效可能,请自行测试,我们也会及时更新补充最新的优惠码信息! DMIT提供的VPS产品线比较多,而且还分为不同的等级,这也导致很多新人不知道该怎么选择。这里对BMIT的VPS计划做个简单的总结和说明,后面都配有购买链接,方便大家选购。 DMIT 美国洛杉矶 VPS(美西三网 CN2 GIA) 方案名称 内存 CPU 硬盘 流量 带宽 价格 购买链接 洛杉矶Premium (LAX.Pro), 测试IP: Pro TINY 1G 1核 10G 800G/月 1Gbps $28.88/季 点击购买 Pro SHAREv2 1G 1核 10G 2T/月 1Gbps $48.88/季 点击购买 Pro Pocket 1G 1核 10G 1.5T/月 4Gbps $14.90/月 点击购买 Pro STARTER 1G 2核 10G 4T/月 4Gbps $29.90/月 点击购买 Pro MINI 2G 2核 20G 5T/月 4Gbps $58.88/月 点击购买 Pro MICROv3 4G 4核 50G 7T/月 10Gbps $74.99/月 点击购买 Pro MEDIUMv2 8G 4核 80G…

中文版 Views(1W+)
CloudCone CN2-GIA Dedicated Server Offers-Waikey

CloudCone CN2-GIA Dedicated Server Offers

CloudCone is here to introduce their CN2-GIA Exclusive Dedicated Servers offer while previous implementations were done on the CloudCone Network. Features: Exclusive offers with 100% access to CN2-GIA uplinks providing you better performance and a low latency optimized network. A range of unmetered CN2-GIA connections to select from for unlimited network usage. Comes with enterprise-grade SSD storage for faster read/writes. Genuine Intel and Dell server hardware. Looking Glass: An unmatched stack of cloud services that collaborate to provide a scalable infrastructure for your online presence, fully managed by friendly humans. CloudCone is a Cloud Hosting Services Provider founded in…

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