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Hostens Promo code - $9/year for Cheap cPanel Shared Hosting with Free Domain

Hostens is a division of the company ‘Interneto vizija’ which was founded in 2003 providng domain registration, web hosting and VPS services. Here is a special Shared Hosting plan offer from Hostens which is only apply for the Annual billing cycle.

Hostens Promo Codes

Hostens Promo Coupon Codes 2020
LET 50% OFF on Shared hosting S10 package, apply for S10 package on Annual billing cycle.
Hostens Shared hosting S10
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Shared hosting packages include
A 30-day money-back guarantee
24/7 off-site data backup
SLA 99.95%
1 Gbps port speed
SSH Access
cPanel control panel
Cloudflare Railgun
Free & instant Let's Encrypt certificates
Installatron one-click app installer
Multi-PHP version selector 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
Free DNS manager
The ability to change service package with a few clicks
Automated scans against malware
Website Builder